I was interviewed in a talk show in MNCtv News yesterday about my book ‘Yes, You Can!‘ with Bella Fawzi and Adjat. After the show, I sat down for a while in their couch to eat some delicious cookies :)) – then one of the crew come to me.
He said, “Miss… I really want to write a book about my life story, I’ve been writing it but seems like, I could never finish it.”
Now this is sounds like a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) to me. So, this is what I asked him to answer that question:
Have you make your outline?
An outline is a guide for your writing. You must know where you start and how you end your book. It’s like a map. Whenever we felt ‘lost’ in the middle of writing process, we can always check back our ‘map’.
Have you set your deadline?
You must know when you want to finish the book. For example 60 days. Then make plan on how you write to fulfill the deadline. If you don’t have a deadline, you will never finish it. After you reach your deadline time and you finish your book, just wrap it and send it to your friends to read or help edit. Don’t hold it just because you want it to be ‘perfect’. Perfection is a journey.
Have you ‘lock’ the backspace button?
Write first, edit later (after your finished your first draft). Nuff said.
I have finished my cookies, and I have to go. Before I leave, in the corner of my eyes, I saw the cameraman read my book. He said, “You must write more about positive thinking.” I said, “Finish it first, all 190 pages about positive thinking!” 😀
Anyway, happy writing all!
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