So, I assumed we all survived the Mayan Apocalypse 😛 Let’s continue living.
It’s the time of the year to review my 2012 life. The highlight of 2012 was when I open my hijab fashion boutique – learn a lot in the process about fashion business and having fun cultivating my creative fashion side.
I got Inspiring Woman Award from tabloid Nova with other inspiring women and I’m very honored to sit in the same place with the wonderful inpsiring girls from all over Indonesia.
My solo-travel to Europe (Paris, London, Amsterdam) in Summer, must be one of life altering moments of my life. Here in these beautiful places, I experience the most rich culture, warm company of friends, and feeling love flowing all over me. I can’t pay the experience with any money in the world. It’s priceless.
I wrote several books this year, finishing my novella Harmoni, publish Creative Blog Writing and launch one of my favorite books, Yes, You Can! – from the feedback that I get, the book has been an inspiration for many and I’m very grateful. I believe, if we want it hard enough, we can be whatever we want to be, we can get whatever we want.
Visited Brunei and speak at Think Big Innovate 2012 really gave me a new experience to speak to English speaking audience, also gave me new perspective about life.
The year sealed nicely with Tulis Nusantara 2012, a writing competition held by Kemenparekraf supported by and Plot Point. We went to 12 cities all over Indonesia to infect more people to write. More than 3400 entries submitted and we’re more than happy to know all the new seed of writers come as the winners.
Now for 2013.
From my conversation with my bestfriend slash soul sister Citra Prima, she suggest me to start the year with a lot of positivity. Don’t let any spark of negativity coming to interrupt. And I’m going to do just that. (Citra do Feng Shui analysis on my house, yay! Thanks sis… going to begin 2013 with fresh start)
Traveling is (always) in order. I have made some great traveling plans abroad this year (I believe in scheduling holidays). One of them is backpacking in Egypt in March 2013. US, Bahrain, Turkey, Morocco, Russia insha Allah will also be in the plan.
I will write and launch some of the ‘unfinished business’ of writing in 2012. Got a lot of ideas in my head. Yes, I will write another fiction this year, insha Allah.
I will look more closer to education side and will have a plan to build something on that.
I want to stay in love. Especially with my life.
Last but not least, find investors to support my existing businesses so we can expand to a new level.
Happy New Year!
What’s your plan for 2013?
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