Oh wow, it’s that time of the year again!
In short, the highlight of 2016 is meeting and losing the love of my life in the same year *OUCH!
While I’m licking my wounds and keeping my integrity as a stoic, let’s see what’s 365 days really mean to me in 2016.
January 2016
Signify a new beginning in my life as a founder by building Zetta Media with my partner Ega. Zetta Media is a digital media platform with 10+ lifestyle portals for youth. Zetta Media got seed funding from Kejora. This is my #WhyNot moment to take this investment and run on an entirely new industry for me. We learned a lot this year and I’m glad we have grown so well in terms of traffic, authentic viral contents and strong community. I’m proud to work with passionate partners and team at Zetta Media.
February 2016
As I welcome a new venture, I must say good bye to my baby, officially closing online bookstore Kutukutubuku.com. My first ever startup, the one who taught me how to manage a business and taught me how to be brave. It’s not an easy decision but I’ve tried so hard for years to realize that the industry isn’t going to the direction that I prefer. Alhamdulillah, I’m glad the process was smooth, thanks for the understanding of my previous team, I’m forever grateful.
March 2016
Sheryl Sandberg mentioned me in her status update on International Women’s day. This is an amazing and unimaginable situation for me and I’m very grateful for Facebook team who’s been choosing to highlight my story of building NulisBuku.com to empower Indonesian indie writers for #SheMeansBusiness
This is also the month where me and Anan came with the idea of #WhyNot campaign for Girls in Tech Indonesia to empower more women to use technology to improve lives in their community. We’re glad to conclude #WhyNot with 5 workshops, 3 meetups and 1 mentoring dinner, and also a book launch! A very ambitious year for Girls in Tech! Thanks a lot Facebook #SheMeansBusiness and our partners who’ve been supporting us
April 2016
Start taking care of my personal finance. Paid off my credit cards debt and officially debt and loan free. Life has been much easier when you don’t have that kind of burden at the back of your brain.
I’m speaking on Kartini Day at Times Square New York for Women in Innovation conference, New York. It’s really a privilege to be able to speak to 300+ women in USA with other inspiring women from all over the world. Thank you, Catherine Barba, for always trusting me!
I really have to mention my meeting with Lesley Jane Seymour in New York. She’s the former Chief Editor for Marie Claire and More magazine. She’s my teenager hero, my inspiration to build the DNA of Zetta Media content to be authentic and full of personal social experiments that make readers relate with the articles.
May 2016
Work with Telkom Indonesia and Storial to teach people how to read and write, a literary effort, with #PustakaDigital campaign. Found a true friend in my partner, CEO of Storial, Steve Wirawan.
Visit Aceh for the first time to teach creative writing
July 2016
Make one of the most important decision in 2016: move to a nearby co-living house just 5 minutes walk from my office. Before this enlightenment, I commute minimum 3 hours a day. Now down to 5 minutes and it improves my life A LOT. BEST decision in 2016.
Trivia.id Managing Editor, Resty, joining our team full time and it accelerates my company’s growth.
First time learning and investing in Indonesia stock market. Creating a closed whatsapp group Wolverines of IHSG to share investing tips with friends and mentors. Second best decision of the year.
Start vlogging, Ollie’s Vlog: High Tea with Ollie, by interviewing one of top CEOs in Indonesia startup industry that I happily call a friend, Hadi Wenas the CEO of MatahariMall.com
First initiated RULA Creative Hub that successfully increased our female portal RULA‘s productivity in content to more than 1000% and 3x growth in traffic. Salute to RULA Managing Editor Mbak Onie and team!
August 2016
Our CMO Anas is officially joining Zetta Media and complete our search of a dream team.
Broke up with my fiance and start my journey of deeper self discovery.
September 2016
Speak at Indonesia-Swedish Digital Forum that strengthen my connection with Sweden. They invited me to visit Sweden Internet Forum in Sweden in May 2017. Excited!
With Anantya and Adriana from Girls in Tech, mentoring youth in Cambodia at Tech Camp Cambodia. Also my first visit to Cambodia. Had a great time with my bestfriend Kounila!
Get supported spiritually by my teacher Viky Sianipar and my Self Discovery family.
October 2016
Speaking at Facebook Women@ Asia Pacific conference in Singapore. Speaking about mindfulness and meditation. The first time ever talking about this public, especially in international forum. In this forum I revealed my ‘Transcendent Being‘ method to stay balanced and mindful in my life.
November 2016
Stayed at The Onion Collective and found true friends Mark Kuan, The Onion Co founder, and Arie from Passion Planner. With passion planner I found the virtue of deciding what I want to focus to ‘be’ (not to do) of the day and not getting overwhelmed.
My brother’s proposing a girl and will marry this January 2017. I’m a happy sister!
Joining spiritual Muslim global leaders in a closed Slack group, excited to connect with like-hearted people.
My trip to Sumba #GettoSumba with 14 lady CEOs! Found my sisters, support system and long eternal friendship from this trip. In this trip, I also given another chance to live, as I was almost drowned in a beautiful river in Sumba.
First time to attend and become a judge at Startup Weekend Bali!
Zetta Media team from Jakarta, Jogja and Jakarta meet for the first time in Ubud for our #MakeItBold trip to Ubud
December 2016
Attending Eling Festival and came up with RE:WRITE concept, journaling for emotional healing, a concept that I will launched in 2017.
Met my good friend Cameron, who’s like an Angel, brought me rare spiritual books from Powell’s Portland to Indonesia. These books have helped me to become the Goddess that I am in my divine feminine heroine journey.
Embracing my femininity by start wearing more skirts and cooking with Ocha and the girls! 😀
Start listing down patterns in my life that are not benefiting my path to fulfill my mission, start learning from my mistakes and changing my limiting beliefs.
The important question to answer in 2017 is: “A better me would be…?”
My new niece is born! I became an auntie for the second time!
Appreciate the connections I made throughout the years and realized that it’s one of the most important wealth to create this year.
Best reads for 2016
Read 100+ books in 2016, here are the top 3:
Code of Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani
I read lots of spiritual and business books, this one combine it perfectly and it has high quality insights from the very first page, came directly from the founder of MindValley. Highly recommended!
Intimate Communion by David Deida (or any books by David Deida, seriously)
I never highlighted so many insights in one book like I did with Intimate Communion. It just answered ALL my questions on the dynamic between man and woman, masculine and feminine, how by understanding this, will solve a lot of problems in our life. A must read!
The Be Book by Mynoo Maryel
Found this book in Ubud when I was burnt out from heartbroken and also doing too many things at once, even though what I did in my life was all my passion and what I love to do, but it still killing me at one point. This book helped me to focus to be, instead of to do, and make me focus on being, one be at a time.
What’s exciting for 2017?
Traveling is in order! Invitation from Sweden and Nepal already in hand. Also planning to attend more conferences in content marketing, media, startups and spirituality to connect with like-minded people.
Spend a month in either Turkey/Dubai/Edinburgh to finished writing my book, a spiritual novel and a memoir.
Zetta Media is my playground and we aimed for more exciting progress and innovations next year. New travel portal is coming up next with Windy Ariestanty as our partner!
Going to continue my mission to heal humanity with words through RE:WRITE workshops.
Setting up my retirement plans and goals properly. Planning to retire at the age of 45! (Inspired by my best friend who’s retired at 35. I guess it’s never too late to start!)
Find a life partner and co-create with him to fulfill our mission together on earth!
Strengthening my connection with people that matters, that includes remembering people’s names and stories
I will dance, sing and laugh more. Express more on my feelings and carved a smiley face. I will let go of my insecurities, my cold nature and aloofness.
Learn more every day through platform like Coursera, Udemy, Youtube, etc.
Continue my effort to empower women with technology through Girls in Tech #WhyNot programmes focusing in action and held Girls in Tech Festival 2017 in November
2017 will be the year of #MakeItBold where I’m going to ask myself “What’s stopping you?” and say #WhyNot. It’s the year of structure before substance. I’m not going to avoid structure, that means doing my homework and due diligence. I’m going to avoid laziness because it will only lead to mediocrity.
So, what’s your plan in 2017?